Monday, December 16, 2013

DIY Photo Backdrop

Looking for a cheap and easy backdrop for taking pictures of milestones, or possibly to use in an attempt to take your own holiday photos? Well look no further because this is cheap, easy, adorable and can be made to tailor any event.

With the birth of my first son in July, I made it a goal of mine to capture his monthly growth during his first year of life since that's when they grow so tremendously in such a short amount of time. I figured my husband wouldn't be too keen on me hiring a photographer every month, and it gave me the perfect opportunity to use my new Nikon camera the hubs got me for my baby shower (he's such a doll!). Anyway, here's the finished product and I'll tell you how I made it below.

So, here's what I did. I went to Wal-Mart and purchased a tri-fold poster board (you know, the ones we used for our science projects in middle school). Then, I went to Michael's and used my 60% coupon to purchase 3 yards of fabric (which was way too much - you can get away with purchasing two yards, but I crafted with the remaining fabric). I laid the poster board flat and placed the fabric over the board (you may want to iron you fabric beforehand if it needs to be pressed). Then ever so gracefully I flipped the board over with the fabric side down. Apply hot glue around the entire board affixing the fabric onto the board at 4 - 6 inch intervals at a time. Trim the extra fabric and voila. That's it. Let it set a minute and flip it up to view your masterpiece.

I coupled the board with a chalkboard, a letter "G" (for Gunner, my son) I covered in yarn and an elephant, because I love them. Every month I like to list his milestones and his height/weight so it's all documented in one easy place - no scrap booking necessary, unless you're into that kind of thing. The poster board folds up and I store it behind his dresser until the next month. I've been printing the photographs out month-by-month and putting them into his album. Quick, easy, and adorable. Just look at him - he's absolutely scrumptious.

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