Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Fake Snow Background for Photos

I'm going to warn you - this craft took two hours and I poked myself with the needle countless times, but it came out great in the photos! Here's the end result:

My inspiration came from this photo I found on Pinterest. Instead of using cotton balls, I used mini styrofoam glitter balls I found at Hobby Lobby for 50% off! 

I purchased one package of the glitter balls and simply strung them on white thread using a needle. I cut the thread into 4-feet length strands and tied one end of each strand onto a wire hanger to keep the strands from tangling. I hung the hanger against a white sheet decorated with white Christmas lights. The Christmas lights and glitter on the mini styrofoam balls made the pictures nice and glittery! It was a cheap addition to Gunner's first Christmas photos, taken by Baby Face Portraits.

Holidays 2013!

I just LOVE the holidays! I mean, who doesn't? It's such a wonderful time of year - a time of kindness, forgiveness, love and hope. It's also a season of spiked hot chocolate, twinkling lights and pumpkin rolls (recipe to follow)! So here's a post full of photos of everything Christmas - Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the Daniel Family!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Endless Dryer Sheets

Although I don't think that dryer sheets are all that expensive, this idea intrigued me. This blogger made endless dryer sheets using a Ziploc container, water, fabric softener and sponges. I just happened to have recently purchased Seventh Generation's blue eucalyptus and lavender fabric softener (my favorite) on BOGO at target so I had some extra fabric softener laying around.

So I tried out this endless fabric softener idea. Honestly, my clothes were softer and the scent was stronger than using the dryer sheets. I was quite happy with the results. I don't know if this is recommended for all dryers, so please consult your manual before attempting (yea, right, I bet all of you are going to do that before trying this...). Anyway, check out the quick and easy instructions here.

DIY Photo Backdrop

Looking for a cheap and easy backdrop for taking pictures of milestones, or possibly to use in an attempt to take your own holiday photos? Well look no further because this is cheap, easy, adorable and can be made to tailor any event.

With the birth of my first son in July, I made it a goal of mine to capture his monthly growth during his first year of life since that's when they grow so tremendously in such a short amount of time. I figured my husband wouldn't be too keen on me hiring a photographer every month, and it gave me the perfect opportunity to use my new Nikon camera the hubs got me for my baby shower (he's such a doll!). Anyway, here's the finished product and I'll tell you how I made it below.

So, here's what I did. I went to Wal-Mart and purchased a tri-fold poster board (you know, the ones we used for our science projects in middle school). Then, I went to Michael's and used my 60% coupon to purchase 3 yards of fabric (which was way too much - you can get away with purchasing two yards, but I crafted with the remaining fabric). I laid the poster board flat and placed the fabric over the board (you may want to iron you fabric beforehand if it needs to be pressed). Then ever so gracefully I flipped the board over with the fabric side down. Apply hot glue around the entire board affixing the fabric onto the board at 4 - 6 inch intervals at a time. Trim the extra fabric and voila. That's it. Let it set a minute and flip it up to view your masterpiece.

I coupled the board with a chalkboard, a letter "G" (for Gunner, my son) I covered in yarn and an elephant, because I love them. Every month I like to list his milestones and his height/weight so it's all documented in one easy place - no scrap booking necessary, unless you're into that kind of thing. The poster board folds up and I store it behind his dresser until the next month. I've been printing the photographs out month-by-month and putting them into his album. Quick, easy, and adorable. Just look at him - he's absolutely scrumptious.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Another Tearjerker

HuffPost did it again (you really should follow them)! This article (includes video and pics) shows the life of a baby that was born too soon. Little Miles was born at only 25 weeks old - 40 weeks is a full term baby. The wonderful husband (and daddy to Miles) made a video of Miles' first year of life for his wife. WARNING: tearjerker!

Links to Amazing Stuff

From time to time, I run across something on the Internet that is worth sharing. I compile these items in this folder in hopes that these stories of love, loss, passion, and beauty will bring you the same feelings of joy and gratitude they brought to me as well as restore your faith in humanity, even if only a little.

The Things We Have No Idea Exist

I would have never known this memorial existed if not for running across this article. I thought it was a pretty neat way to remember those lost in this act of terrorism.

Kids Reaction to Gay Marriage by TheFineBros

This video is enlightening. A few children of various ages were shown video clips of same-sex proposals and they're reactions were recorded. It's crazy how insightful children can be - they are wise beyond their years. Check out the video here and subscribe to TheFineBros while you're at it! ;)

Totally Awesome and Creative Parents

So every year, this husband and wife use the entire month of November convincing their children that their toy dinosaurs come to life at night. Check out the pictures here.

This one will make you cry!

After losing her teenage daughter in a ski accident, the mother tracks down the woman who received her daughters heart via organ donation and they meet so she can hear her daughters heart beat one last time. I'm tearing up just thinking about it now!! Check it out here.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Bringing Baby Home Craft

This is the easiest and sweetest craft out there!

Here's a breakdown of what you need:
-shadow box (choose a size depending on how many items you have to include)
-baby's "coming home" outfit
-hospital bracelets
-identifying card from hospital
-decorative paper (I found this cute paper at Michael's)

Here's what you do:
-take the back off of the shadow box
-hot glue your decorative paper to the inside of the shadow box
-I then loosely placed his "coming home" outfit and bracelets to see how they would fit
-after I found the perfect placement, I took my glue gun and affixed the items to the decorative paper
-put the back of the shadow box back on and hang!

Couponing Resources

Being a newly-minted stay-at-home mom, I find myself researching the 'couponing' world. I mean, after all, it's another way of saving my family money since I am no longer bringing in moolah! BUT, the problem I run into is that my family and I don't eat a lot of the typical 'couponing' items because they are filled with preservatives and such. Through this research I learned of a website from a great group of 'couponing' ladies on Facebook that is tailored to natural and organic foods, and they also post great recipes and such. Here's the link - go check it out!

Just a thought! If you are couponer or have the ability to coupon and you don't NEED all of the items you coupon, think about donating to a local food bank or shelter. I find great deals on canned soups and veggies as well as pasta and sauces that cost me little out-of-pocket and feed quite a few families that rely on our local food bank. They need non-perishable items and you can often pick them up for quite cheap using a manufacturing coupon (aka "MQ" as they say in the couponing biz, click here for those) as well a store coupon, special store pricing (like BOGO deals) and a competitor's coupon.